Not just a girl’s best friend…


Until a century ago, only the wealthy could afford the luxury of diamonds.

Fortunately, since the discovery of large deposits throughout the world, diamonds are now available in a variety of sizes, shapes, colours and affordable price ranges.



Diamonds are seen as a token of one’s love, a status symbol, an investment or just a majestic momento that can cause such happiness every time you see it sparkle on your hand.


The breathtaking brilliance of a diamond is what makes them so attractive. The feeling you get when you have that special piece that you have always wanted and to just watch it glimmer away in it's own serene beauty. It has an elegance that is second to none, conveying an aura of success that inspires feelings of pride.



A diamond is the hardest substance known to humanity. You can therefore take pride in knowing that your favourite piece will withstand the trials of time and be enjoyed by your loved ones for generations to come.



Diamonds are becoming rarer and rarer to find, especially those that are larger.

Out of 250 tons of ore that is blasted, processed, crushed and filtered through, chances are there will only be one carat of rough diamonds recovered, with only a mere 20 percent of this being Gem quality.

Colour Chart

Timeless value

While diamond prices may fluctuate with the economy, they still maintain their value. Not to mention the sentimentality that each diamond will hold. Our selection of Pink Diamonds is renowned for it's dramatic increase in value with prices jumping dramatically every year as it is very rarely found. The imminent closure of the Argyle Pink diamond mine will again drive up prices even more dramatically. Not only do we have a fine collection of white diamonds but we are also agents of the world’s rarest pink diamond collection.


The "Four Cs" - Carat weight, colour, clarity and cut



A carat is equal to 200 milligrams with 142 carats to an ounce. There are 100 points to a carat. Larger diamonds are quite rare, and have a greater value per carat.



Diamonds can be found in any colour of the spectrum. When grading a cut diamond a valuer will often compare it to the whitest paper to see how much the colour deviates from the whitest possible (truly colourless). A diamond that is completely colourless is the rarest and therefore are more valuable.  
We also have a fine collection of pale yellow, canary, pink, red, green, blue and brown diamonds, which are referred to as "fancies". These are valued for their depth of colour, just as white diamonds are valued for their lack of colour.



The clarity of a diamond is determined carefully calculating the inclusions in the stone.



A finished diamond has 58 "facets," which are the small, polished planes cut into a diamond, so that the maximum amount of light is reflected back to the viewer's eye and to get the maximum carat weight out of the stone. The light that is reflected is referred to  "brilliance," which is imperative in determining the quality of a diamond.

The widest area of a diamond is classified as the "girdle." Above the girdle are 32 facets plus the "table," the largest and topmost facet. Below the girdle there are 24 facets plus the "culet," or point. Cut also deals with the shape of the diamond. Traditional shapes are round, emerald, marquise, oval, pear and heart.


Diamonds are forever…


Glossary of diamond terminology 

Baguette: A rectangular-shaped small diamond often used to enhance the setting of a larger stone.

Channel Setting: When a number of smaller stones of uniform size are set in a row. Stones are not held by individual prongs but are held by a metal channel.

Fancy Cut: A diamond cut other than round - such as baguette, emerald, triangle, pear, star.

Pave (pronounced Pa-vay): A type of setting in which a number of small (mainly rounded) stones are set as closely together, making the piece look like it has an all-diamond surface without any metal showing.

Solitaire: A singular diamond mounted into a setting.

All of our Diamonds are certified

We are able to source any diamond you are after as we are agents for some of the world’s more exclusive pieces.